Thursday 23 January 2014

CSC148 - SLOG #1, Week3

SLOG numero uno. Week 3 of CSC148, and my first step into the uncharted territory of blogging. Last week, I was partnered with Ganesh for my wednesday 1 pm tutorial for CSC148. The first lab of the course was on that very day in tutorial, actually. It was horrifying, as no one attending the tutorial actually finished it in the time span of the 2 hours that we were all given. The relief was when we heard that the first lab was only marked for attendance and participation, so no worries there.

This week, Ganesh and I were partners again for our CSC148, and we worked on our second lab. Thankfully, the second lab was actually not too difficult, and pretty much everyone was able to finish it. We made a class that had methods queue and dequeue as well as one to check if the queue was empty, and another program that called upon a stack class and the queue class to accept user input and display the results. We finished after an hour, but for the last hour of the tutorial was actually spent on improving the program beyond correctness and style, by making the program more efficient. We used another file to test the time efficiency of our queue class, and we improved it by improving our dequeue method. We spliced off the first index of a list and made the contents of that into another list, instead of just popping the first index, which removes the first index and shifts the rest of the indicies backwards. Hard to think of at first, but fun because it was not overly challenging and the solution as well as the logic behind it was not super intense. This was great because we got instant gratification when we found out the right way to do it, since we didn't have to wrack our brains trying to figure out by ourselves why it was the better way to do it. The best thing is, it was marked only for participation, so full marks there that I can't complain about!

Hopefully the lab in next week's tutorial is not too hard, as I suspect that we will start getting labs that are marked on correctness and style, including attendance and participation.

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